Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Focusing more on Car stuff

Going to stop with the random stuff on here now, ive made a separate blog for that which can be looked at here if anyone wants to keep check on it,
this is more the stupid stuff & thoughts that go through my head when im at work lol. and so i can keep 6two1 more Car focused and not always some stupid off topic things!
Got some car stuff on in a bit, just finishing the write ups, see ya soon x

I hung out with Hillbillys!!

I forgot i hadnt put this up!!
When i was in america, I was lucky enough to go on a day out on a private air boat ride with some guys my dad met whilst on his travel’s, whilst we were out on the lake we met some hillbillys!! haha it was awesome!! more on this later!

Last shoot for the civic

Whilst im being lazy with the players pics (not lazy, just making sure they all look crackin’) Have this one of my Civic, last week of it being like this before i strip it and take delivery of my new car..


Players 4.0 - 6two1.com

Check back for More info on the one day show of the year.

Zombie Golf 


Ken Block Strikes 3rd time


This new video is sick. chccchchchcheck it outttt , ONE THOUGHT ON “KEN BLOCK STRIKES 3RD TIME.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Motocross at Chippenham Race Track


Find honda car parts, spares and accessories online on 6two1.com. UK leading Honda parts seller with great prices, top quality and happy clients.


So one of my mates Aaron was running in his bike after a full rebuild and asked for me to go and do some pictures of him at the track, whilst I was there they made me sign a DEATH FORM, in which case of me getting seriously hurt or dying at the side of the track, then it was my own fault. Which made me chuckle a bit ha

Can’t make E38X


Maitland unfortunately wont be making it to edition 38 this coming weekend as he’s off to play rounders or something… So he come down for my birthday weekend and crashed at mine, and the next day we did a lil shoot, mainly for another blog to be honest but as I took the pictures and I had to suffer his company all weekend (this is a joke btw we are actually good friends, for all the non-abletoreadsarcasminmytypestyle people out there) I am putting them up on my site too. The picture’s are not as good as I hoped they were going to be to be honest, alot were out of focus but I blame that on my 2 and a half months off ! hah

Custom Stickers…


I did them for a joke really, as i didnt want EVO ones on as they are the marquis promoda edition, and not EVO’s, so I did these, Pretty cool i think but they wont last as the wheels get too hot!

New Wheels


I have New wheels on the Civic, i didnt plan on it, but its happened, It was more a trial fit, id bought these in anticipation of getting a DC5 but now as the insurance is still stupidly high i might wait longer and just keep running the civic !!
Genuine Desmond Regamaster Marquis Promoda Limited Edition! Love them

Eibach 2010 Another Video entry

Sorry again people for another video entry, this one is another from abroad, from the now legendary Honda Eibach meet’s in LA. sit back, relax & enjoy ! (more real entrees coming once i am back in the UK)

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